October 28, 2015

Denim on Denim ((With A Touch of Pink))

That's right today I'm trying to denim on denim trend that is just as big as the suede skirt epidemic. I personally love the denim on denim with a pop of pink because to me it adds a little femininity to a more rugged look. If you haven't checked it out already, last night I posted a guest post about the importance of adding pink into all seasons and fashions.

Lately I've been binge watching Private Practice on netflix while catching up on my new favorite tv show Crazy Ex-Girlfriend which is currently on CW, seriously is anybody else watching it!?!? I'm constantly crying from laughing and inspired when I watch that show.

I think I'm all about adding a little pink to my wardrobe ;)

11 comments so far

  1. Your denim on denim looks perfect. I love how you paired the two different shades and added the pink to this look. You look great!


  2. Cute outfit! I really like the hint of pink :) xx

  3. Such a cute outfit. I have never heard of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, I will have to look it up

    Lauren x | www.laurenapowers.blogspot.com

  4. Aww, you look super cute and great job with the double denim look. It's not easy to pull off but you look amazing!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  5. You have such a pretty smile! I like these two shades of denim together :)
    Rachel xx

  6. It's such a cute and lovely outfit!
    Agne | Classyflow

  7. I love how delicate this denim on denim look is just because the washes of the denim are light. The pink adds such a prettiness, too. Crazy Ex Girlfriend sounds so good, but I've been watching Tv shows instead of Netflix; AHS, Cream Queens, Scorpion!

    May | THE MAYDEN | Bloglovin'

    1. It's not on netflix, it's a current tv show!! :)

  8. I love all the denim, and your hair is gorgeous!!
    xo, Syd


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