July 14, 2013

Sunday Favorites

these are a few of my favorite things.

This one's for the girls, we all know the sight of mascara and pretty lipstick make our hearts stop. Since in the summer I don't wear makeup usually, I have been looking at my makeup bag feeling a little guilty for not using lately. The pretty eyeshadows and mascaras... giving me some confidence to cling to. I thought I'd share some of my favorite things in my makeup bag with you this sunday.

1. Baby Lips Lip Balm. I am a huge chapstick fan, it may be a lame thing to love... but I have tried all kinds of chapstick and I was a huge advocate for soft lips. It used to be all I would use, then shamefully I will admit this I saw on an instagram that Laura Osnes posted that she had received this Baby Lips from a friend. It had always caught my eye when browsing the makeup isles, so with that as a push I finally took the plunge and bought it. It is know all I will use, and no it's not because of Laura, it honestly has the smoothest quality about it. As a person who spends all her time on the beach in the summer, it also has tremendously kept my lips in a great state! Quenched is my favorite, but I want to check out the actual colored ones too. So an update on that when it finally happens! 

2. Dream Matte Mousse. I have used this foundation for about four years now. It is my favorite because of the smooth and easy application, as you can tell I am a very texture oriented person... smoothness is key as it is my adjective of the year it seems haha. The coverage is amazing, I don't have to reapply and reapply, one coat and I am good to go. This foundation is a winner. 

3. Rimmel London Kate Lipstick. To be more specific... number 111. This year I got really into lipstick but my colors tend towards the pink side of the spectrum. Then I decided, as every girl should have, I need to add a red lipstick to my makeup bag. After days, and I mean days, of searching I found Rimmel Kate's. I love it! I am not a huge red person even to this day, but this is the red I will wear when I am in the mood! 

4. The Rocket Mascara. I love this mascara! This is the mascara I use when I am going out and I want to impress. And believe me, it impresses. 

5. Victoria Secret Eyeshadow. This is an everyday applied eyeshadow, it can go with any scenario. It can be added to another eyeshadow to add pizazz. I often add it to Mac's hepcat. When I do that, people always comment on my eyeshadow. It is honestly one of the best investments to have, the shimmer in the shadow is basically see through so it can go with anything. On days you want to look like you put effort but don't actually want to, this eyeshadow is the way to go. Well worth the money. 

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