July 12, 2013

A Splash of Happy

There are many things to be grateful for. I have the amazing privilege of having friends that stand by my side, inspirational roles models in my life to look up to, and everyday things turned magical by perspective. 

Today. Today was a special day, I love my days off because usually the mean I get part of the day with my Grandma. She is my best friend and in many ways I am a mini her in personality. She is the most inspirational, Godly, and generous person I know and I hope to grow more and more like her day by day. Today I got another lunch date with my amazing grandma, but before that it insisted of some ranting of recent frustrations with boys and life in general and a hangout session with my grandma, cousin, her friend, and myself. 

We enjoyed a lunch at my favorite spot, Primo Pizza. Their italian hoagie is to die for and the conversation is even more of a craving. It's days like these that make the summers away from home so worth it. I am beyond lucky to have a Grandma like mine, and so privileged to have the title of her granddaughter.

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