July 22, 2013

Sunday Favorites (a day late)

these are a few of my favorite things.

Welcome to another insight of the mind of Brooke and her favorite things....

1. Cocoa Roast Almonds. Okay these are perfection, I can't explain how unhealthy this obsession was but for a while my go to snack in the middle of a busy school day was a hershey bar with almonds. Shameful, I know. Well I remember being a senior in highschool and my friend was absolutely in love with chocolate covered almonds so while I was on my journey for those, hoping it would cut some of the calories? I found these! It's just lightly dusted with cocoa and let me tell you they solve that craving for a little chocolate!

2. Rain. There is something so peaceful and soothing about a little rain shower, especially in the summer. It's like all the things that have been bringing you down can be washed away, and somehow you are once again seeing clearly! There is a simple beauty in rain.

3. Boardwalk. This has been my favorite summer spot since I was a kid. It's filled with treasures, rides, and amazing food! I recently found a new favorite store there too, it's a cute shop filled with adorable signs to decorate your house with. I have my eye on a cute huge frame you hang pictures up with clothes lines then on the frame it says Beach Memories. Perfect to represent the summers here in Brigantine!

4. Lunch Dates. Lunch dates are a rejuvenating source of spontaneity or planned perfection. I can't explain the level of happy I am at after a lunch date, now this does not mean lunch dates with a boyfriend haha... maybe one day. But I mean quality time with those that mean the most, recently I have had the pleasure of many lunch dates with my beautiful grandmother this summer. Blessed times!

5. Curls, Pink Lips, and Lace. Let's just be honest... I love being a girl! I am all for the girly patterns, pink colors, and lace clothes. The amount of pink, white, and florals in my closet is a bit overwhelming haha. Even a splash like a simply lipstick color added to a mundane outfit and day makes it automatically better. I am all for the girly things in life! 

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