May 31, 2014

Be Adventurous

Cami: American Eagle Shirt: Love Culture Necklace: Francessca's Jeans: American Eagle Boots: Francessca's

When in Maryland shopping, one must give any store the benefit of the doubt. When I was on my road trip to New Jersey of a spring break heading for New York, we always make a stop at a friend's house in Maryland. We rushed to their finest mall and after handfuls and handfuls of clothes to try on and walking out store after store with absolutely nothing. My goal of any shopping was slowly being put down and seemed like nothing short of a pipe dream.

Then I saw Love Culture... which immediately is not the kind of store I go into firsthand. It has that body central vibe to it, which don't get me wrong for years was my go to jewelry place. But lately my peter pan collar obsession has taken me to new places. But to my dismay as I looked around I noticed the shirt of all shirts... the bow shirt.

There has been no shirt before it that has ever embodied my personality, obsession with boys, and my imaginative charm I so wish actually isn't that imaginative. This is all goes to show you never know what might actually be in those stores you refuse to go into.... 

sometimes your spirit shirt is calling to you.

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