April 24, 2016

23 Favorite Things

More often than I'd like to admit, I take things for granted. There are so many little joys in my everyday life that I don't give enough recognition to. In honor of turning 23 on Friday, I thought I'd write out 23 of my favorite things that make my life... mine. 

1. The sound of my sister's laugh coming from the other bedroom, it's a reminder that joy is everywhere.

2. Going to a play with someone who knows nothing about it but you know practically every word, with each laugh I get more and more giddy and I have no clue why but it's the best feeling to let them in on your own little secret world (at least that's how it feels sometimes.)

3. When you're walking outside while the sun beats down on you, and for a split second it feels like a hug from Jesus.

4. That feeling you get when you listen to an overture and it fills you with this insane feeling that anything is possible. As the music builds, so does your hope.

5. The smell of sunscreen, for me it transport me right back to the beach and all those summers I never had to wonder if anyone had my back,,, my Dad was always there for me. This summer will be weird without you Dad.

6. Twirling in your new favorite dress and instantly feeling like a fairy princess.

7. The fact that I have friends who love me unconditionally and let me over analyze the same text message, meeting, and scenario fifty different ways.. each time listening to me and treating it like a real issue. Thanks for letting me send you texts like "He has moved closer." "Wait he has pulled out chapstick." "????" "I'm very confused right now" Thank you, for the unconditional love.

8. The fact that I was lucky enough to be sent to a Christian high school and attend a Christian college for a while. I have never felt like I couldn't talk about my faith, have my questions answered, or felt alone while I figured out my walk with Jesus. I wouldn't trade those years of my life for anything, and I mean anything. They are why I am who I am today, and sometimes I fail to see the positive and just dwell on the negative of that situation. That time was more than academics, more than mandatory, and more than a pass or fail... it was growth even when it felt like it wasn't.

9. The smell of hot coffee in the morning, particularly when you're super drowsy.

10. When the waters calm and you lay on your back and just float... it reminds me that there are moments in life where this can happen too and even if a huge wave comes, you can always find another time to float again.

11. Those times in life where you almost can sense yourself mentally taking a photo of that exact moment, as you usually think to yourself I wish I could re-live this all my life. You sit there knowing you'd be content riding next to this person in the car forever, eating that slice of chocolate cake all your life, or meeting Laura Osnes after a performance of Cinderella on broadway (that still makes you tear up as you think about it.)

12. The bittersweet moment where you finish a book, you feel like you've lost a best friend and yet you're thankful for the journey it took you on.

13. I take this one for granted the most, but when the whole family can sit down to eat or watch a movie... you almost feel like this is exactly how life is supposed to be.

14. That rush of butterflies that fill up your stomach in an instant as that guy finally pulls you into a kiss.

15. When your best friend's name pops up on your phone and you haven't talked to her in forever due to life.

16. The car rides where you start belting out Let It Go and anything from The Little Mermaid, and we can't forget any of Hilary Duff's songs... the way the words come out of your mouth without trying, and how it instantly takes you back to another time- favorite.

17. Moments in life that make you happy dance in Walmart, cry while singing A Wonderful Guy from South Pacific in the car ride home, or when you just can't stop blushing and smiling. Those are the little things that make me feel like no matter what, life is a fairy tale.

18. When a friend loves you enough to tell you the guy is an asshole or to not judge you as you sit there crying because you've caught feelings for the guy you swore you wouldn't. I am so incredibly thankful for the friends I have in my life, you keep me protected and listen to me and don't ever say I told you so, when you easily could.

19. Waking up cuddled up in your sheets, completely content.

20. Each phone call with my grandma and the face to face conversations we can have about anything, thank you for always having my back. You have been a best friend to me since I can remember, I don't think there isn't a life event or anything that makes me happy that I haven't wanted to tell you first,

21. When you hear somebody sing along to the radio or just sing to you. If everyone broke out into song around me, I don't think I'd ever be sad.

22. This blog has taught me so much about myself, my writing style, my humor, and has even gifted me with more confidence than I used to have. Some of my favorite blog posts I've ever written were because I felt accepted and felt like LookBrooke could be my safe place- so thank you to each and every reader for believing in me and for coming back a second, third, and fourth time.

23. When you get to show someone something that makes you happy cry, made you who you are, or something that you've always loved and they get to understand you a little better. Vice versa, when you get to understand someone else a little better. By seeing the things they love, what made them who they are, or my personal favorite...made them happy cry.

15 comments so far

  1. Amazing post brooke i loved every bit of it. Really amazing post
    have a blessed week

  2. It's so important to remind yourself of the little happies in life, these are great and I can relate to so many of them :)
    Happy Sunday! xo, Abbey

  3. There's a lot of great things to be thanked for.
    I love the touch of the sun on my skin as well

    The Bandwagon Chic | Instagram | Bloglovin | Snapchat: bandwagonchic

  4. Amazing post! pretty look!


  5. This was great and I agree the smell of coffee in the morning is quite wonderful!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  6. Great list! I love how simple they are but truly happy things.

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  7. The smell of hot/fresh coffee is ALWAYS a good thing in my book! Any time of day, too :) And yes- totally agree with you about the feeling when you finish a book. It always takes me a little while before I can pick up another one.

  8. I love #22..blogging has expanded my love for writing so much in creative ways I never saw in school!

  9. Lovely post. Enjoyed it. Gemma x

  10. This was so wonderful to read! Thanks for sharing!

    Lauren Elizabeth
    Petite in Pearls

  11. cute post! I love walks in the sunshine too!

  12. Oh, this is such a lovely post, Brooke! I'm so glad that I was able to learn more about you through this post! I think that's awesome that you've attending Christian school all the way through college! It really does make all the difference when you're surrounded by like minded people, in the sense that you all share the same moral and religious beliefs. I, too, love walking outside and feeling the warmth of the sun, it does indeed feel as though it's a huge from Jesus, the BEST hug giver ever! Thanks so much for sharing, gorgeous, and I hope you're having the most amazing week so far!



  13. Such a fun read!! Great list!

    Adi xx

  14. #3...Such a great way of wording that!

  15. Love your post, great content!
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