November 9, 2014

Currently: November

*This is a link up with the wonderful Anne and Jenna*
reading: She Reads Truth. I had been looking for a devotional that takes you on a true journey, one that brought me closer to God and closure to feeling like the joyful person I had always seemed to be. This is the devotional for that, I can't wait to follow along to more of their plans. 

wishlisting: Winter drives me clothes crazy. If I could just have a whole new wardrobe each winter, my little girly heart would be so satisfied. Here are some recent pins that I wish were in my life currently: This beautiful Anthropolgie "droplets dress." A reason I have been so MIA lately is because we had been moving to a new home here in our little Virginia and setting up a new room to call my own is exciting, stressful, and drives my creative mind c-r-a-z-yyyy. I desperately want this precious tassel garland above my bed. Boot socks, boots socks, boooootttt sockkkkkssss give me all. 

loving: I live for fall weather, next month I'll be even happier… cold weather is practically my bff. I am also bringing back out the peppermint mocha creamer and falling back in love with that morning cup of coffee and a good journal session. Also for the past two months since leaving Jersey and going home my family had moved to an apartment closer to their work and we were allllll on top of each other… now our house is so huge I barely see them. I love it hahah.

appreciating: My family, it's been nice being home. I haven't truly been with my family for three years since I started college and they left our home to be closer to their work. Life may be confusing but it's joyous lately.

creating: Frozen cupcakes. Breaking in the new kitchen by baking princess themed baked goods… yes please.

4 comments so far

  1. I've been obsessed with those tassel garlands too! I want that or some sort of weaving above our bed.

  2. Your pictures make me miss Fall! We don't have anything like that in Indonesia!
    Melanie @

  3. That dropplets dress from Anthro is soooo beautiful! I'm adding it to my wishlist, too!
    Oh, and that cupcake is adorable!!


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