March 25, 2016

Spring Dress Round-up 2016


It still seems surreal that it's actually spring, this season is one of my absolute favorites! With it comes my birthday, LookBrooke's birthday, the start of eating icecream outside, and a personal favorite... dresses. Okay that's kind of every season, but you finally get to ditch the tights, bring back your favorite razor, and paint those toe nails again.

I've been on the search for some dresses lately like a few for my birthday weekend, the perfect white dress, and a dress for an occasion coming up. Basically, you will find me living at the mall and by the computer screen searching every site imaginable.

With my crazy quest, I've came across a ton of perfect dresses so here is a round-up to make your lives a little easier. Don't worry, I've even categorized them by price (50-under, 150-under, and sell your soul for the perfect dress... because we all have a little Ariel in us)

**Please note some dresses are on sale, so price may vary.

$50 and Under:

$150 and Under:

Sell Your Soul Worthy:

Happy Shopping!!

8 comments so far

  1. I love the nude/royal blue dress

    Lauren x |

  2. Loving all of these super fun spring dresses!! I think #3 is my favorite with those cute beach stripes :)

    Chow Down USA

  3. These are all so seriously beautiful! I want all the florals and the maxi dress!

    Abby of Life in the Fash Lane

  4. These dresses are all super cute!! I love them all. Your blog is awesome, I love how you do all these roundups it's great!
    Keep Sparkling✨
    Sparkling Southerner
    Find me at : Instagram

  5. All these dresses really amazing according to the spring dresses. I love to have these dresses at the time of spring. The emerald green prom dress is also the great color to wear on the occasion.


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