July 23, 2015

This is a story about cupcakes...

If you've been reading this blog, know me in real life, or have stalked me on any social media... I am a walking ball of awkwardness in front of guys. In case you thought it's changed... It hasn't. Here's the newest installment of "Help I Can't Talk To Guys" (you can view previous posts here, here and here.)

It all started when me and my two friends decided to go to the beach after work to swim (that's right... your girl has been going into the ocean and learning to swim and without a one piece I might add... scandalous)

After belly flop contests, my swimsuit almost falling off me, and getting knocked down by a wave (lolz)... I somehow agreed to bringing the whole stand cookies. (As a thank you for holding my sunnies and phone... And the countless band-aids, water, and sunscreen they- ok one guard- gives me.)  Next thing I know cookies turn into cupcakes that I'll make myself. 

Remember how I said my brain turns into mush around boys well... I just agreed to bring cupcakes... And at my summer home I have no oven. That's right I just agreed to make cupcakes with no oven. What was I to do!? Drive over to the nearest Toys R Us and buy an Easy Bake Oven!? Like IM RUNNIN OUTTA TIME OVER HERE! 

So naturally I'm calling my grandma and aunt cuz they're actually normal and own an oven. "Can I use your oven to make cupcakes? I sorta forgot I don't have one." Desperate times call for desperate measures, it's cool I just won't make cupcakes and won't get married. That's all... Nbd. 

Don't worry aunt came in clutch and granted the use of her oven. So cue the wedding bells, the cupcakes are being made! Now if you've been following me- you'll know I love Pinterest! So if you've looked for chicken recipes there- you've probably came across "Man Catching Chicken" well I'm about to blow that out of the water. I'm talking about Man Catching Cupcakes

• box of dark chocolate cake mix
• mini chocolate chips 
• chocolate fudge icing 

WARNING: these cupcakes will ensure plenty of hugs. One might even hold your hand and sing to you. They shall cause men to actually say "I love you. I want to marry you." (Just be sure to bring out a written contract for him to sign... That is where I went wrong.) 

But I mean if a guy cleans your sunglasses for you on his own, I guess he deserves the cupcakes and you should struggle to find an oven ;) 

9 comments so far

  1. Ahahaha "man catching cupcakes!" I'd probably make them just for myself :)


  2. Ola lindona tudo bem ?
    adorei seu blog , tem ótimos post
    gostei do post
    Beijos e sucesso

  3. Haha! I love this post!

    - Cielo

  4. :)))) Lovely post!!!!
    Happy friday!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Facebook

  5. hahaha loved this post .
    My blog: RumelaTheShopaholic

  6. Hahahaha. Of course now I'm craving cupcakes GAHHHH

  7. How do you live without an oven?? I am always baking and cooking things.

    Lauren Elizabeth
    Petite in Pearls

  8. Cute story! I want cupcakes so bad right now haha

    Meet Me in Midtown

  9. wonderful post and blog! I follow you on GFC
    please refollow me on GFC


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