November 30, 2013


This break was much needed, much enjoyed, and I am so sad to see it go. 

If there is one lady I have the most respect,
wonder, love, and gratitude towards... it's my Grandma.
She is the strongest woman I know. I remember being a little
girl and waking up at the crack of dawn just to have a few hours
where it was just Grandma and me, she'd make a pretzel and sit
with me as we watched tv. She'd tell me stories and she
would always be doing her beloved crossword puzzles or reading
a book. I can't explain how much these memories mean to me
and the fact that we made new ones just a few days ago.
I love her to death, and I can not wait to see her next.
I don't know about you but I am pretty sure we have the
prettiest girls in my family ;)
I took my sister and cousin to see Frozen. But if we are gonna real and I will
be honest to blog.... they were more an excuse for me to see Frozen haha.
This pretty much sums of the trip. Between Wawa and Thanksgiving
dinner, I am a stuffed bird. I am probably bigger than our turkey. 

Thoughts and Gifs To Recap This Post And Break:

Yams are probably my favorite Thanksgiving Dinner dish. Skip the pumpkin pie and double the yams!
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To quote my little cousin as we watched Frozen. "Are you crying because you don't have a true love?" "Are you crying because you wish someone would kiss you?
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I. Am. Anna. I am the new disney princess from Frozen. I can't begin to explain, if I wasn't an older sister and the fact well my sister doesn't have magical powers that deal with snow and I am not actually a princess.... I would think they wrote about my life. 
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