February 2, 2014


  • Saturdays are for waking up early and heading to lunch with your roomie. 
  • Saturdays are for rehearsing a song (a personal favorite) and singing it for a video audition. 
  • Saturdays are for enjoying a night out on the town for theatre with your mother. 
  • Saturdays are for seeing the most thought provoking, genuine, and truthfully acted and heart wrenching show that makes you hold tight to the blessings in your life. 
If you're in the area... I urge you to see Kindertransport now. I have never been impacted by a show quite like that one: the concept, the acting, and the story will stay with you for ages. If you aren't in the area I suggest looking into the play, it's one of the most emotionally gutting stories but has such beauty in the truth.

Saturdays are for the little blessings. The little things. The little joys. Thank God for Saturdays, and everything in between. 

3 comments so far

  1. Your Saturday sounds like it was wonderful :)

    1. It was splendid, I hope your Saturdays are wonderful as well! :)

  2. It was so good! I need to try to make it at home! lol


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