August 29, 2017

Life Lately

Isn't it weird how certain smells, weather, and feelings can transport you back into time? I'm currently enjoying my first day off where I can do whatever I want for the entire day. I've watched my favorite pastor speak, ate lunch, and am focusing on my skincare routine lol. I walked out to grab my favorite face mask out from the trunk of my car when I was hit with what feels like our first fall day. (I'm in complete denial that summer is coming to end.) Immediately, I'm transported back to my first nannying days. I was living in New Jersey and was going full force on LookBrooke. I would roam the Hamilton mall, TJ Maxx, and Target looking at different displays and outfits gathering inspiration. I would head home and write up a post and meet the kids at their bus stop. It's funny how much your life can change yet still remain the same.

I'm currently sitting at the same computer I used then, with the same face-mask, and the same urge to go to Marshals and waste all my money on their beauty section. I don't nanny anymore, which kills me a little more each day than it had before. I still devour coffee, I've just switched over to Sheetz from Wawa. Fun fact: Their kona mocha with mint tastes almost like a mocha mint iced coffee and will have your head spinning and mind flooding with the good ole Jerz days.

I still get the urge to call my Grandma daily. I remember getting out of a job interview and immediately went to call her. You have a bad day at work, you have one of the best nights of your life, you get a deal on your dream sweater at your favorite store... the list goes on and on.  I don't think the urge will ever go away and no one will be my best friend like she was- but I don't want that urge to go away. It's like she's still there and I don't want that memory of her to ever diminish.

This was the first summer I didn't spend in New Jersey in 10+ years. I visited once, in late July but that was it. I thought I would feel odd all summer, that a part of me would be missing but I survived. Don't get me wrong I missed my friends terribly and FOMO is indeed real but I got a new appreciation for how much that place molded me.

My parents bought a condo in North Myrtle Beach at the very beginning of summer, my 60 year old beast of a Dad spent his summer being a lifeguard after retiring from Jersey two summers ago. It felt weird not being able to go to the beach whenever I liked (like after work every single day) and when I did spend time at the beach it was all the way in South Carolina... a place I hadn't visited since I was 18. Some of my favorite places there include: Nacho HippoBurgerFi, and the North Myrtle TJ Maxx lolol.

You can keep up with me and my day to day experiences on a couple different social media platforms:
- I post most actively on Instagram and Instagram stories, if you're into the more fashion and life style aspect of LookBrooke... this is the platform for you.
-If you want to laugh and see some day to day updates, twitter is for you.
-If you've ever wondered what it would look like if I cut out photos from magazines and created a "mood board"... tumblr is for you.

Connect, let's be friends xoxo.

LookBrooke © . Design by FCD.