February 15, 2016

Just Feeling Blue

|Dress: White Lotus (Loved this for the look! AND IT'S ON SALE) (Just plain swooning!)|Chambray: Hollister (Similar)|Shoes: Target (Similar)|Sunglasses: J Crew (Similar)|
Lately I have been day dreaming back to when weather was warmer, sandals were a reoccurring thing, and dresses didn't need to be followed by tights and boots. I remember when it was finally scarf weather and I shouted with joy, but I am so sick of the cold weather. I'm a firm believer that if I am going to be freezing my tail off then I better be in NYC. And as I look around and see the little kitchen and the drawing on the wall of me and my father, the disappointment sets in... I am indeed in VA. 

It snowed yesterday and this morning, and I found myself sliding on the road and crying in a parking lot shaking, as a dear friend said "you need practice lol." BRB moving to Florida... So along with the monday blues, this monochromatic all blue outfit perfectly displays how I feel. Especially since I needed to reshoot an outfit (when you accidentally don't shoot in RAW -.-) and well snow tends to slow down that process, here's an outfit from the archives that never made it onto LookBrooke. 

I hope you had a lovely Valentine's Weekend, mine was spent with a daddy daughter date where I chased a man down who was not my father. Getting stuck in a parking lot for an hour being calmed down VIA snapchat and texts. But it wasn't at all as bad as it sounds typed out, we spent the morning eating panera bagels and heading to church. 

But it's okay because somehow you're still happy crying and singing along to South Pacific's A Wonderful Guy, writing in your diary like you're a naive school girl again (because let's be real, when will you grow out of that phase), and all that previous overreacting and overthinking just make when something good happens that much more enjoyable. ;)

Here's to everyone who has ever over analyzed a snapchat, text, or like on facebook. May we find our chill... and beat the blues...

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4 comments so far

  1. lovely look dear!! so pretty!

  2. You are too cute! Love it!

  3. Is a adorable outfit! You are a pretty girl with a pretty hair!
    Greetings from MissGrey.ro Romania!


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