February 25, 2015

In Serious Need of a Tan

Buttercup Scallop Hem Short|Atlantic Pearl Bracelet|Seersucker Bandeau Bikini Top|
Cabana Tote Bag|Lauren James Tee|The Livingston Seersucker Dress|

If I had an unlimited budget, these would be my six go to's for the upcoming spring/summer season. With all the cold weather and snow (we are always late getting it here in good ole southern VA) I find myself daydreaming of cruises, the bahamas, and summer! I can practically smell the sunscreen ya know. What's on your spring/summer wishlist??

**Also I have to get that tee, I'm obsessed obi. It should be my lifemotto**

4 comments so far

  1. Oh mannnn I am so excited for summer and ocean city nj.. LIKE WAY TOO EXCITEDDDDDD

  2. These picks make me wish that warm weather would hurry up and get here!
    Dresses & Denim

  3. In LOVE with all of those picks! Just need the 10 feet snow banks to melt!


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