November 3, 2013


These are a few of my favorite things.

As another week winds down and it's time to get thrown into the hussle and bussle of yet again another crazy week... I love being able to make that cup of coffee, sit by my computer, and blog of the blessings that were this week. A time to thank God for the little or the great that made this week some how okay ;)
  • Coffee Creamer. Now that it is November I feel slightly better about craving that Peppermint Mocha creamer for my coffee. It gives me a smile every morning to know as I sit with my Jesus Is___. book or sit with a journal, that Peppermint Mocha is keeping me company. 
  • Good Reads. As stated earlier I am reading Jesus Is_____.  by Judah Smith. Such a wonderful book with great insight on todays culture and understanding Jesus so much better. Along with that book I also from time to time read You're Made for a God-Sixed Dream by Holley Gerth. Great reads, I recommend them! 
  • Fall. I am completely in love with fall right now, it's so nice to walk along my neighborhood and have talks with God. And this time in fall is the gateway to Christmas... so I can hardly contain my excitement! 

I hope your Sunday is amazing and filled with joy! 

4 comments so far

  1. Mmm yes I am so excited for seasonal coffee creamer! :)

    1. Makes your day a little better, doesn't it! :)

  2. Ok, maybe this is a little off topic….. but those strawberries…. look divine!!


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