July 17, 2013


  It has been a struggle, so often I find myself forgetting that my identity isn't in the clothes I wear, how people view me, or those I keep as company. The fact is our identity is in nothing but Christ. This summer I have used this time for some soul searching: growing closer to God, diving into His word, and making myself into the person He wants me to be. I have all these dreams, and as I had mentioned earlier I was reading a book about God and your God sized dreams. How am I going to accomplish those dreams if I do not trust who I am in Christ? Now don't get me wrong yes the way people view is important, but it's a way to check on yourself. Are you being the person that can be a light, a friend, and encouragement to someone? Or are all you doing is bringing others down? 
I have been having a great time diving into truths, having talks with God about the future and the person I am growing to be. 
God gives us such an amazing place to have an amazing story he has crafted for each and everyone of us. I can't wait to see how mine unravels, and the story it will become. First I need to focus on the person I should become though, and the identity I have in Christ... no others.

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